Monday, January 26, 2015

Help...stuck in a truck on a ferry with a 7 year old ;-p

I had such vision and purpose for our ferry trip home this morning. It's been months and months, since I could muster the motivation and attention span required to pick up a book, let alone read and absorb what it actually says.   This is all a brand new unfortunate experience (& side effect of  grief) for me.  I'm an avid reader and someone who typically has three different books on the go at any given moment.

Today, I was determined that the silence and boredom of yet another hour and a half long trip across the choppy beautiful BC waters home would force me into the new book that I've been dieing to read #GIRLBOSS.  Up until now the book  has looked really good sitting on my coffee table, and my kitchen counter, and my bedside table and even the side of my bath.  Just sitting there and waiting for me to pick it up each and every time I wandered by or looked at it. Sigh.

What I failed to remember (yet another sign of grief  is a truly horrible memory from hell) was that, just like the last 100 trips, my beautiful little Bellabean would be my trusty little travel companion. (How did I forget THAT? WTF?)  Now, because I'm a good great Mama who wouldn't dare pass on the cold and cough from hell that my sweet girl has suffered with for the past  two weeks (and counting) to other innocent children parents, we bypassed going onto the ferry and into the playroom and instead grabbed our Timmy's drive thru drinks, got our blankies, took off our boots and  settled into our "fort" in the truck for what I hoped would  be a quick 1 hour nap for an "awake to early 7 year old little girl". Mama thought wrong!!!

NEWSFLASH: 7 YEAR OLDS are chatty...chattier than 6 year olds...smarter than 6 year olds....even more inquisitive than 6 year olds and ask waaaay harder and more thought provoking questions than 6 year olds. And people, get ready for it...they are onto us.  They are fully onto our tricks of the parenting trade and are having no part of this bribery business. God friggin damnit. Now what's this Mama gotta pull out of my ass sleeve every ferry trip?

At this point I'm pretty confident my daughter is madly in love with the sound of her own voice and as a result of this, as our ferry pulls up to the dock after a loooooooong, 1 hour and 40 minutes trapped in an SUV and not one single page of my book read.  I fear my ears are potentially bleeding. Anabella says she "can't see any blood".  OOPS!  Did I say that out loud?   I also discovered my 7 year old has quite the addiction gift and talent of taking great selfies of both herself and me,  but that's an entirely different blog for an entirely different day.  Needless to say one more day of my book not being read . HOWEVER, I did find a chance to sneak in this quick blog post due to my magic powers, otherwise known as driving,  because as soon as we pulled into the carport and I turned around to say "Home sweet Home", I could see her sweet little face and curled up little body FAST ASLEEP.  BAM! POW! Take that! Super Mama is still in charge of this SUV. That's how we roll.  Magic for my fingers and my sanity.
See the following three photos as a small glimpse into what I call: "The Many Moods of a 7 year old girl trapped in an SUV with her Mama"

Jess (& Bella)


1 comment:

kate khan ♡ said...

You made me lol! Love it :)