Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Goodnight Auntie Robbie, I really wish you didn't have to go to heaven ...

Grief is not for the weak.

It's like your worst nightmare, your worst period, your most hangry moment, your longest hangover and your most tired night as a new Mama all rolled up into one...and it feels like it will NEVER end.

7:00pm: "Bella, bath time."
7:30pm: "Bella, jammie time."
7:35pm: "Bella, time to brush your teeth."
8:00pm: "Bellaboo time for bed." 

Bella: "Ok Mama."
Bella: "Let's snuggle Mama." (fyi...at 7, snuggle can mean snuggle or can also be code for "lets talk and drag out bed time as looong as humany possible")
8:30pm:  "Ok Bellaboo, Sweet dreams. I love you sooooo much."
Bella: "Mama, I love you sooo much plus infinity plus google plus one hundred million thousand billion.
Me: "I love you all that and more. I love you the most."
Bella: "Mama, I love you all the way up to Auntie Robbie."
Me: "Ooooooh, you win...and I love you that much too."
8:40: Bella: "Goodnight Auntie Robbie, I really really wish you didn't have to go to heaven."
8:41: Me: "Goodnight Auntie Robbie, we love you so much."

12:00am: Wide awake.
1:11am:  I refuse to see it again. I refuse to see it again. I refuse to see it again.
2:22am:  Ugh.
3:00am:  Oh sweet lord, I actually fell asleep...Crap, I forgot to set Bella's alarm for school.
4:00am:  Really Robbie? Is this really happening? Why 4am?

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Beep. Beep.Beep. Beep.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Eyes open. Oh god. It's already another day? What day is it? CRAP. It's Tuesday. I'm just gonna close my eyes for a minute. I'm so tired.
Get out of bed.
Get Bella up...NOW.
Sing to her. Start her day off happy even when you feel like crying.
Make her lunch.
Sign the school notice.
Shit you forgot to get her school bag from her dads.
Sign her School Planner.
Get her teeth brushed.
Wash her face.
Pick out fight with her about her outfit for today.
Make her breakfast bagel.
Fill her water bottle with ice.
Don't forget her cough drops.
Make the bed. (Ok, let's face it that bed isn't getting made any time soon.)
Boots. Get your boots on! We're laaaaaate Anabella!
Coat. Do you have your coat?
Buckle up. Are you buckled up?
Drive. Pay attention. Stay focused. Two scrape ups on your brand new truck already and counting. You can do this. Keep your mind focused. You can do this.
You HAVE to drive your child to school. You can't get lost in the "fog".
Turn the radio on. (Mama, this is Auntie Robbies song! Can you turn it up louder please?)
Try not to cry. Try not to cry. Try not to cry. 
Drop her off at school.
Check in with her teacher about how Bella's actually coping and talking when we aren't around.

Bella: "Mama, I don't want to go to school. I want to be with you."
Me: "Bella, you're fine. You looove school. You love your friends. You're going to have fun."
"I don't feel well. Take me with you."
Me: "What's wrong?"
Bella: "I don't know, just take me with you."

Now lovingly Pry her overly clingy, overly scared (another sign of grief) hands and body off me and leave her safely with her teacher.
Get back in  your truck. 
Turn on the radio. (Shit, another one of Auntie Robbie's songs)
Tears. Tears. Tears.
Sing. Sing to Robbie. Sing loud and proud. Sing like SHE would.
What would Robbie do?
Who cares if you look like the crazy lady at the stop light. Sing that shit.

And so begins my Morning truck conversation with Robbie:
Robbie, I love you sooooo much.
Can you hear me Robbie? Are you there?
I hope you can hear me Robbie.
I miss you sooooo much.
Life is NOT the same withouth you here.
I'm so sorry you had to go through all you did.
I'm so sorry for the pain you had to suffer and endure.
I'm so sorry it was you and not me.
I'm so sorry I couldnt be there with you more when you needed me.
I'm so sorry for that time I went upstairs to talk on the phone when we were all watching that movie. I'm so sorry I texted other people while I had the privilidge of sitting across from you. 
I'm so sorry I couldn't do more.
I'm so sorry I we didn't do more together.
I'm so sorry I moved away and missed all those years with you.
I'm so sorry I didn't rub your head and your hair every single time you asked.
I'm so sorry that I sighed and acted annoyed when I was tired.
This isn't the way it was supposed to be Robbie.
This isn't right.
Help me Robbie.
Help me do the right things.
Help me be who I'm supposed to be.
Help me find the courage to get strong and move forward the way I'm supposed to.
Give me a sign Robbie, anything.
I know you're at peace.
I know you're happy. But wait, are you though? Are you really happy?
Oh Robbie....I love you so much. This just hurts.
You can't really be gone.  This isn't happening.

One foot, just start with one foot...you can do it Jess. For god's sake, you've done this your entire life. One foot, then the other, now another, and one more.......Smile. Laugh. Talk to Anabella. Remind her of happy things to look forward to. Tell her you're great. Be the Super Mama you always have been and always will be no matter what. Why? Because that's what Super Mama's do.

This is the story of my life.  This is my reality today. Most days. But not every single minute of every single day. This is RAW & real and this is what you call being authentic and vulnerable.  This is also why my texts, emails, phone calls, and door knocks often go unanswered. This is why my appointments get forgotten and missed. This is why my child is sometimes late for gymnastics, my truck has new bumps and bruises, my face is a break out of stress and my doctor & counsellor see me weekly.  This is also why I drive down the wrong streets to get home, forget my own address when ordering a pizza and frankly  barely know who I am some days.  My head is in a fog.  My mind is lost. My heart is aching. My head is spinning.  I am not me...right now, and right along with missing my baby sister Robbie, I also miss ME.

I WILL move forward. I WILL find my strength again. I WILL make my baby sister Robbie proud and I WILL eventually grab life and run with it. I want to feel strong and I want to continue my strive to be extraordinary. It's all just a little difficult while I'm lost.

Writing is my passion but these particular writings are supposed to help with my healing.  Fingers crossed. 


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