Thursday, February 12, 2015

How many calories in a tooth...I wonder?

So Blondie McBlonderson has had four wiggly teeth for MONTHS.  She can barely eat and despite being in love with the the tooth fairy and counting down the years until she can get braces (she thinks getting braces is the coolest thing ever for some reason....who's kid is she again?),  she will not wiggle them or attempt to pull them out.  At Christmas I was so ready for the one tooth to come out, I told her that if her tooth came out the week of Christmas the tooth fairy leaves $20.00.  Usually money bribery will get this mama anything I want, but nope not this time.
The other day she was playing at a friends house on a first play date and somehow got hit in the mouth...bam...pow...3rd baby tooth of her lifetime popped out. SUCCESS!   Which brings me to the priceless moment part of this blog post..... 
The following day, Anabella and I were in the process of making popcorn and drinks to settle in for movie date together.  Anabella was excitedly chatting away and drawing when I asked her if she wanted a drink.  She walked over, grabbed a water bottle took a few chugs and walked away.  A couple minutes later she turned to me to say something and something was VERY that moment a look of shock crossed my face and at the same time a look of shock crossed hers....

"Mama....mama....I tooth.....MOM.....MY TOOTH.  My tooth is gone!!! Where's my front tooth?"
Frantically she started running around looking for her top front tooth and to our horror it was nowhere to be found. 
"I SWALLOWED MY TOOTH! I SWALLOWED MY TOOTH! I can feel it in there!!!!"
I could not even contain myself....that little girl made me laugh harder than I've laughed in ages.  She looked in the mirror, and smiled so huge at the hole in her smile.  "I look so cool Mom." 
My little toothless wonder...
I can't believe she swallowed the damn tooth...the BIG one we've been waiting for, for MONTHS.  Her first "big" baby tooth to fall out and it's gone. Bam. Pow. Just like that. So, ow I'm left with this ever growing toothless adorable 7 year old blond child who has recently taken a liking to calling me "Jessica" instead of "Mama" and decided she wishes we were sisters, but that's an entirely different priceless moment post.
Dear Tooth Fairy...

God bless this beautiful girl and that toothless smile. Take a peak at her note to the tooth fairy and the tooth fairy's note back.  Her father and I don't see eye to eye on some things "magical" and have had one to many discussions about the tooth fairy's choices on financial compensation.  He's a stern $2.00 a tooth kinda man and I'm a flexible "thinks if you swallow a gigantic tooth you deserve some extra compensation" kinda mama.  Oh ya, now I remember reason #765473 we got divorced when she was 2. 

The tooth fairy also left a photo of herself and a second of her best friend on Anabella's iPad as per Anabella's request in the letter.  Who knew the tooth fairy would be so hot?

End of the child believes in the tooth fairy, the love fairy, the easter bunny, the elf on the shelf, Santa Clause and all things magical. I'll keep the magic alive as long as humanly possible or die trying. You only have one time to get it right people....let your kids be kids. Let the magic be real. Let them BELIEVE.

Dear Anabella...

And a second tooth fairy note just in case the first one wasn't enough ;-)

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