We had such high hopes of a long list of summer activities again this summer, but due to my
- In June I gave up candy. Yes for realz. For anyone who really knows me they know Candy is like my crack. Laugh all you want but if I eat one piece, you might as well hand me a needle....it's that addictive for me. I'm 81 days clean and the cravings for candy are gone. Oh I want it, but my body isn't dieing for it anymore. My moods have stabilized, I don't want to cry at the site of sugar and my desire to knock down small children to steal candy from their innocent little hands has subsided. Anabella was a true supporter as she was brought on board as a tattle tail and to tell me not to eat the candy if I was tempted...She was a trooper! (Day 81 today and going strong.)
- Anabella
learned to swim. Correction. Anabella taught herself how to swim. No joke! Apparently deciding to live in a condo that has a beautiful outdoor pool that we use all summer long was a smart choice. After spending so much time in the pool in a life jacket, then water wings, then ring and watching all the other kids swim without life jackets she just bit the bullet and decided to swim and each day she got stronger and stronger and now I'm convinced she's actually part MERMAID. That's right, I have my very own little live in mermaid. She can swim across the pool underwater, with her arms at her side, her eyes wide open and only using her body and legs. It's magical to watch and I couldn't be more proud of her. (I STILL can't jump in the water without plugging my nose, but Anabella assures me she will teach me how to do it one day when I feel brave enough!)
- Anabella completed her "Acting, Singing, Dancing" class and did her first performance in front of an audience in Alice in Wonderland. Of course she was adorable and perfect and remembered every single move and dance. I was one proud Mama and I was proud that her Dad and I are at a point where we can happily attend these events to show our love and support to her together with our significant others. (A real modern day family fairytale;-))
- July long weekend we spent the weekend in Sooke Marina Resort for Kent's family reunion...our first one...which turned out to be a ton of fun for all involved. Anabella has some new little "cousins" in law and the weather was perfect. We are lucky to be surrounded by such a great extension of family through Kent and I never take that for granted. (I love that man!!!)
- At the end of July Kent and I were lucky enough to escape on our own for a weekend away in Bellevue and Seattle. A kid less, relaxing, weekend of shopping, spending, eating, and sleeping...and sleeping...and sleeping. (Enough said)
- August long weekend Anabella & I took a "girls only" trip to the island to spend time with my family and we loved every single second of pool time and barbecues and campfires and late night talks and marshmallow roasts and s'mores and late night giggles. (You can take a girl off the island but you can't take the island out of the girl!)
- GOAL CRUSHED! I am so proud to say I happily crushed one of my goals this summer and ran/walked the lululemon seawheeze half marathon. You read right! 21.2 km! My goal was to complete (even if I had to crawl) and I had planned to walk it and ended up running a big chunk of it with walking intervals. It was long, it was challenging, and I can safely say I was experiencing one of my first runners high's. Being surrounded by so many inspirational people and so many encouraging lululemon Cheer stations definitely woke up the runner inside me. Kent, my hero, ran it in 1 hour and 42 minutes. My time? 3 hours and 15 minutes. BUT I FINISHED! SUCCESS! Next year, I'm going to train for it and kick that time's arse;-) (One of the best days of my life spent with new friends, old friends, best friends, and like minded people who make me want to be the best I can be and encourage me to reach for the stars!)
- At the end of August Anabella's cousins and Auntie (my sister and 3 of her 4 kids) came over for three days and we made our one and only trip to Playland. Which lasted a total of about 3 hours before the kids were sweaty, hopped up on sugar, whining and begging to go back to our place and jump into our pool. After spending a total of about $330.00 for us all to enter Playland and then an additional $80.00 on food and snacks, it wasn't the grown ups first choice, but since the sound of a 4 children whining in the hot summer heat far outweighs any benefit of putting in the time and getting our money's worth, we swiftly exited and went straight to the pool. (Kids=1 Parents=0. What can we say? We were weak and outnumbered!)
- I did my first sugar detox. Not just candy. ALL sugar. I read the book "The Sugar Detox", by Brooke Alpert, MS, RD CDN & Patricia Farris, MD, FAAD and it changed my life. I'm on day 24 of the detox and I feel better than ever! Added bonus? I lost 6 pounds. Now don't get me wrong, it was challenging the first week but each day and each week gets easier. This Friday will be my last day because for the September long weekend this Saturday....(NEXT challenge? Gluten free.)
- For the September long weekend Kent and I are flying to Calgary to attend a close friend from high school's wedding! YAY TRACY & PETE! SO EXCITED! We'll visit good friends, spend time with his family, go to the wedding and fly back two days later! Quick and efficient and back in time for.....
- This is Anabella's very last summer in pre-school because come September 4th my little girl is officially in KINDERGARTEN! Officially a student of the school of hard knocks. Officially somewhere where I can't protect her from the reality of all kids being different and some not being as outgoing and nice. I can only hope that the love, security and confidence we've raised her with along with her strong morals, character and kindness will outshine any pressure she feels and will help guide her to be stand confidently and not follow the crowd and to always be one of the NICE GIRLS. (Woot. Sob. Sniff. Tears. Happiness. I don't think I could be more proud if I tried...I'm so lucky to be the Mama of such a unique, real, honest, sassy, creative, smart, opinionated, stubborn, compassionate, loving and authentic little "city girl" who will always be reminded about her "island girl" roots.)
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