Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sometimes you just need to escape....

You just need to escape...
Shut it all down...
Turn off the lap top...
Put the phone on vibrate...
Throw on your sweats...
Pack up a small bag...
Grab your beautiful two year old...
Lock your front door...
Hop on a bus (which fyi is the most exciting thing ever for a 2 year old)...
And maybe a boat...
And leave town.
You need that to ground you...
To humble you...
Stop you in your tracks...
Remind you what matters...
And more important, what doesn't.
You need to run...
You need a break....or break down...
You need to be alone...
You can be surrounded by people and feel more alone than when you are alone.
When you least expect it...
You laugh...
You cry...
You smile bigger than you have in  years...
You scream...
You feel sick...
You feel overwhelmed...
And sometimes you feel all of these things all at once and...
Realize that you are exactly where you need to be...
Feeling exactly what you need to feel...
And it's ALL okay.
You have a bad day...
When you think your day is the worst it can turn into the best...
You have to remember to wake up every day and be grateful for that day...
That moment...
That vision...
That breath...
That cup of tea...
That smiling child...
That cozy blanket...
The fresh air...
That special friend..or two..or three...
That new experience...
That old memory...
That bad day that made you appreciate the new day...
That cry that gave you a sense of relief...
That laugh that made you want to pee your pants...
That bite of your favorite thing...
The smell of your best friend...
That look...
That text...
That letter...
That song...
That unexpected amazing, fun night at the fair with your daughter, who also happens to be your best friend, your sister, who also happens to be your best friend, and your nieces and nephew.

You just have to let go in order to get back on track.

*Sending lots of love and gratitude to the people who remind me every day why it's all worth it.

Anabella & I rode these two ferris wheel's three times in the dark....
I screamed the whole time, she laughed the whole time...
and told me, "Mama, I not scared, I happy!!!"
Mama & Bellabean....
This was about 4 hours into our night time fair experience on the island....
We had so much fun together!
Anabella April Gracie is in love with her new pink boots....
"pink cowboy boots" according to her.

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