Monday, September 6, 2010

Blondie McBlonderson...

I get a lot of emails and a lot of phone calls asking me a lot of the same questions again and again.  One of which  is, "HOW do you do IT? How do you move forward with a SMILE and happiness after such a horrible separation?"  Ummmm....good question indeed!!!  The following four photos should answer that question for all of you who have asked and anyone else who is wondering.  

True, loyal, unhindered, adoring, unconditional love in it's most innocent and sweet form.  How can I not smile every single day when THIS beautiful smile is what I wake up to every morning and fall asleep to every night of my life?! 

So grateful for her. SHE has made me become the person I was always supposed to be.

Miss. Personality Face

who brought the clown???
She takes Cheeeeeeeeze to a
whole new level...
Beautiful Blondie McBlonderson...

Peace out Mama...

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