Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hang on for the ride....

Life is full of twists and turns and ups and downs and you just never know what's just around the corner....

I can't promise you consistency or the same old boring happy face every day on this blog.  I also can't promise you that I'll always be politically correct.  But what I can promise you is honesty, passion, feelings, thoughts, opinions, observations, appreciations, and alot of writing straight from MY heart. 

I don't write this blog to brag or criticize or annoy or piss people off.  I write it for myself and for the other women out there who are just like me, but to afraid to speak their minds.  I write it so that if heaven forbid one day I'm not here, my beautiful, amazing, precious "treasure and a joy" of a daughter, Anabella, can choose for herself to read from a huge selection of her mothers thoughts, views, observations and life experiences to not only read about, but to laugh about and maybe even one day relate to or cry about.

My life can be life can be life is just like everybody else's, it is my own version of "normal"....whatever normal is these days.

To my true friends and family who read this and support me and encourage me to continue with my honesty and journey...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping remind me who I really am and to not be afraid to "scream it from the roof tops" no matter whether other people think it's okay or not.

If you don't like my screaming...plug your ears....I'm pretty loud.



Anonymous said...

Remember you are NEVER ALONE!!! xo

Shannon said...

This definitely describes my life to a tee. Constant rollercoaster that changes drastically from day to day,

anabellasmama aka Jess said...

Amen! Thank you! xo