I'm completely convinced now that the day you become a Mother you are not only handed over a little screaming pink bundle of baby joy but a set of "super powers" as well. A little "Mama Power" called the block out.
How else can you explain forgetting every bad part of pregnancy the minute you give birth and then forgetting how bad labour really was and then forgetting how hard the first month with a new infant in your house, life and family really is? When your first baby turns 2, you suddenly forget exactly how hard it was to live with a combination of hormones, sleep deprivation, a new baby and a husband. It's at that point that life for your toddler AND you starts to get easier and a little more normalized and then the more independent your perfect first born miracle becomes it get's even easier. Which then brings you into a new found freedom zone where you start thinking, "Maybe one more wouldn't be so bad after all." or "How can I not give my daughter a sister or brother to grow up with." or "Our family just doesn't feel quite complete yet." or "I could totally go through labour again, no problem." or "I totally miss my baby belly and being pregnant."
Somewhere deep down, I do remember the "reality" of all of those things...but I've masked it with my mama glow and baby fever. I know that pregnancy isn't all "roses and sunshine" and that it's not as simple as all the glowy perfect pregnancy photos made you look the first time around. As my friend who's due to give birth in 3 weeks with her second reminded me this morning, "Nobody posts the bad photos."
I also remember screaming for drugs the entire labour (which I did drug free and I think that qualifies me for a medal of some sort in the Mama world but I can't be sure) and after she was born, turning to my husband and saying, "NEVER again. I am never doing THAT again." I remember being terrified to look "down there" for days and using the "god send squirt bottle" they gift you with the minute you give birth along with your puffy, fascinating newborn. Ohhhh and let's not forget feeling like you have a bowling ball in your ass for weeks after giving birth and being petrified to poop for the first time. All of those things I remember, but somehow have made them "not so bad" and "doable" all over again. How could that be?
I remember the first few weeks of hormonal and emotional super highs and super lows, the lack of sleep and the confusion of pure and utter adoring love combined with "Oh my god, this is real. What have we done. Things will never be normal again. I will be chained to this sofa with a baby on my chest for the rest of my life. I will never be able to leave this house again."
And let's not forget all the feeling sorry for yourself husband and wife moments. Where this new Dad misses his wife and the attention he used to get and this new Mom just wants Dad to shut up and take the baby for five more minutes. Where warm food becomes a distant memory and your boobs become some perfect little tiny baby's meal ticket and no longer your body part. We almost got divorced when our daughter was 6 weeks old! (Thank god we didn't!) And yet somehow now, I've managed to block ALL of it out and think" Baby, No baby, Baby, No Baby, Baby, No Baby" aaaaaall the time. How can that be???
Aha...it's my super power....my Mama Power.
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