Thursday, December 8, 2016

Life with an almost 9 year old....priceless moment #12874387495809432

Last night after I made my loooooong ass commute home to the burbs from my office in Vancouver, I picked up my little lovely from her after school care program.  Nothing unusual about this, it's all part of our daily Monday to Friday routine.  However, the following 10 second conversation between us was one of my million reminders of why the commute, the long days, the tired nights, the expensive holidays and all the stress that goes along with being a Mama is well worth it! 

Me (Looking back at her in my rear-view mirror): "Have I told you how much I LOVE YOU yet today?"

(Not taking her eyes off her iPad): "Have I told YOU how much I LOVE YOU yet today?"

"Have I told you how EXPENSIVE you are?"

(Still not flinching or taking her eyes of her iPad): Have I told you how PRICELESS you are?"

Awwwwwwww. I made her! That sweet, beautiful child is MINE. Well played my child. Well played. Or wait, did I just get played by my own child?

Moment's like that make everything worth it. 

What are your priceless moments? Do you capture them somewhere to share with your children when they grow up? A blog? Another creative way? Share with me please!


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