Saturday, November 29, 2014

the month before SEVEN begins...a year in a glance.

It's the month before 7. The month before Blondie McBlonderson says goodbye to her wild & crazy 6 year old days and steps into her grown up, big girl 7 year old size 2 shoes. How did THAT happen so fast and how did I go an entire year without blogging more than two little posts? It's amazing how quickly passions can get thrown aside and put on the back burner when you get busy just surviving living life, in particular living life with a cheeky, busy 6 year old.  The reality is, this past year provided me with more than enough good  material to write about based on just our life alone, never mind writing about all the crazies I'm related to I know.

Alot of changes have happened for us over the past year.  So much so, that I wouldn't even know where to begin or end. My goal is to rejoin the land of the living and share more of me again.  Over the next couple of weeks my goal is to randomly blog on a daily basis about nothing and everything in the hopes that I can slowly get my blogging groove back and share some of what matters most right now and even some of what doesn't matter at all.

This past year brought us alot of life lessons, learning's and unreason.  A tragic illness to a very special girl in our life We love you Robbie #teamauntierobbie, a break up from a special guy who is still a special friend in Anabella's life, a kindergarten graduation to a first day of grade one, a retired hip hopper, a gymnast, a 38 year old mama getting her drivers license & buying her first brand new SUV (yes, you read that right!), landmark forum, landmark sessions, anxiety free living, a relapse recovery, alot of island trips to be with family, a shitstorm of crazy dating experiences, too many bottles of wine with friends, a new life and career goal, alot of self help books (List to follow), a 6 year old aspiring VLOG STAR,  Yoga (Yoga is your friend) and a mama who at the end of it all has somehow managed to stumble and fall into the love of her life.

Twenty14 will go down in history as the worst of the worst and the best of the best year of my life.  But the one thing that has remained consistent  through the highs and the lows is the smile Blondie McBlonderson has the ability to effortlessly put on my face EVERY single day.  I really must have done something right in a previous lifetime to be blessed with someone as extraordinary as her.

Lesson of the day: You can't make reason out of the unreasonable.


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