Sunday, January 2, 2011


My goal in 2011 is to continue to raise my (our) beautiful, healthy, happy, loving, open, sweet, considerate, funny little girl with LOVE. Lots and lots and lots of LOVE.

To be the BEST co-parent the world has ever seen and to continue to practice forgiveness, patience, integrity, faith, friendship and unconditional love. 

To lead by example not just words and to cherish each and every day for whatever it may bring me US.

Anabella LOVES spending time with her "Mama & Daddy together".  Since Mama & Daddy have been separated for 8 months now,  this is something we are both happily and easily able to do FOR HER.  Still seeing us as a "family unit" of sorts makes our daughter happy and SHE is what matters most to the both of us. 

To all my friends out there with children who are going through the trials and tribulations of separation and divorce? I leave you with this final thought: Our children's peace of mind, our children's happiness, our children's stability, our children's love, our children's security is what truly matters most at the end of each and every day. DIG DEEP. You only have one chance to "get it right".   

Below are some photos from our "family time" at the park by the ferry.  Look at Anabella's little face....need I say more???

Bellabean & her Mama
Cheeky Monkey

Bella & her Daddy playing hide and seek

Bella & Mama

 Bellabean & Daddy

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