Sunday, January 9, 2011

Priceless Moment #14: Happy 3rd Birthday Wishes...

"Mama, I open the pink one first!!!"
So last night on the night of Anabella's actual 3rd birthday...

(We had an island family birthday party last weekend with balloons and presents and cake and kids. Then on the big day she had a birthday morning "Timmy's" breakfast "all together" with her Daddy AND Mama and then a morning full of opening presents from Mama, Nana & Papa, and Aunties. And now tonight we have a third little birthday dinner with her little best friend I guess when you turn 3 you get three little parties instead of ONE GIANT party like the two birthday years prior!)

I got her a special birthday cupcake, put a "3" candle in it,  walked up to where Anabella was snuggled into the sofa, knelt down and held the flaming cupcake before her and sang the entire Happy Birthday song to her alone for the first time ever.

The smile and look of love and amazement on her face was priceless. 

After she blew out the candle, I said "Make a WISH Anabella".  Without hesitation she smiled,  looked me straight in the eyes and said:

"I wish for me and my Mama and my Daddy to ALL play together."

Simplicity.  My daughter reminds me daily how easy life really should be.  All the presents in the world... the biggest party in the world...can't make up for what she really truly wants, craves and needs (along with every other child ever born) "To play with her Mama & Daddy TOGETHER".

Thank you Anabella April Gracie for blessing my life in a way I didn't know existed, teaching me life lessons every single day that I didn't even realize I needed to learn, rewarding me in abundance, loving me unconditionally, making me giggle like a school girl, showing me the bigger picture, bringing out the best of me and still loving the worst of me, and reminding me of how simple life really is when you open your eyes and your heart.

Eating her red velvet birthday cupcake with pink sprinkles...

What she woke up to... 

"But Mama, how you do this bow?" 
Tangled Princess Doll for Princess obsessed Bellabean

"It's just what I wanted Mama!!!"

Barbies, barbies and more girl loves her barbies
 ("Just like Jaidah & Lainah Mama!")

Someone was excited to get a CRAFT BOX from Nana & Papa...

Friday, January 7, 2011

The best night of my entire life...

‎3 years ago right about now I was crawling into the bathtub completely unaware that tonight would be the best night of my entire life: 

My amazing, beautiful baby girl would be born at 3:46 am after 3.5 hours of labour. 

So blessed to have had such an amazing little spirit join me in this life. 

Thank you Anabella April Gracie for making me a better woman. xo

The Four Agreements aka Common Sense...

**A wise man once shared the following concept and book with me.  Not exactly rocket science is it? At first glance it's even common sense! Yet somehow it's sooooooo much harder to accomplish than it actually sounds:-))  

The Four Agreements 

(Don Miguel Ruiz's code for life)

Agreement 1

Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Agreement 2

Don’t take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Agreement 3

Don’t make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Agreement 4

Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sometimes tears...

Sometimes everyone deserves a day of tears...embrace, accept, 
forgive and learn and know that tomorrow will be a day of 

Priceless Moment #13: Alien Girl Friend...

"Alien GIRL Friend"

"Alien GIRL Friend" not to be mislabeled or confused as "Alien BOY Friend"  has become a firm and constant presence in our life this past month. I'm not quite sure what day she showed up or where she came from, but I can safely say she has NEVER left and I don't really see any signs of her leaving Bella's side anytime soon.

"Alien Girl Friend" goes everywhere Anabella goes, plays with Anabella, eats with Anabella, goes to school with Anabella, sleeps with Anabella and apparently even sleeps with ME.  When I asked Bella if  "Alien Girl Friend" gets squished when I roll over in my sleep, she confidently said "Oh no Mama, when you roll over - Alien Girl Friend rolls over too."

One day after a frantic, upset search of the house and no sign of "Alien Girl Friend" anywhere, we even had to call her Daddy to see if "Alien Girl Friend" was hanging out at his house.  Thankfully she was safely staying at Bella's daddy's house and that seemed to relieve her fear of "Alien Girl Friend" being lost. This was some SERIOUS business and there were even tears shed over the concern for "Alien Girl Friend's" safety.

A couple of days ago at about 10pm Anabella went up to her Auntie Robbie and asked her to turn on the computer for her.  When Auntie Robbie told her it was too late and asked why, she told her that it was very important and she needed to send an email to her "Alien Girl Friend".

Everything we do and everywhere we go, "Alien Girl Friend" is there.

Today, Bella's Daddy called me to tell me that Bella has informed him that her "Alien Girl Friend" is also a princess who has a Mommy and Daddy who don't live together either.  She told her Dad that her and her "Alien Girl Friend" are "the same".

Oh heart broke and I smiled so huge all in one split second. From the mouths of babes.

Bless my little girl and bless her "Alien Girl Friend".

The good news is that "Imaginary Friends" are a common and positive trait amongst 3 year olds.  It's a sign of great creativity and imagination. Clearly this little Alien has arrived for a reason and seems to bring some form of happiness and peace to Anabella.  Wouldn't it be great if we could just imagine up our own special little friends who could bring along with them a sense of happiness and peace for OUR lives?  Oh in a perfect world.

Love my girl.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


My goal in 2011 is to continue to raise my (our) beautiful, healthy, happy, loving, open, sweet, considerate, funny little girl with LOVE. Lots and lots and lots of LOVE.

To be the BEST co-parent the world has ever seen and to continue to practice forgiveness, patience, integrity, faith, friendship and unconditional love. 

To lead by example not just words and to cherish each and every day for whatever it may bring me US.

Anabella LOVES spending time with her "Mama & Daddy together".  Since Mama & Daddy have been separated for 8 months now,  this is something we are both happily and easily able to do FOR HER.  Still seeing us as a "family unit" of sorts makes our daughter happy and SHE is what matters most to the both of us. 

To all my friends out there with children who are going through the trials and tribulations of separation and divorce? I leave you with this final thought: Our children's peace of mind, our children's happiness, our children's stability, our children's love, our children's security is what truly matters most at the end of each and every day. DIG DEEP. You only have one chance to "get it right".   

Below are some photos from our "family time" at the park by the ferry.  Look at Anabella's little face....need I say more???

Bellabean & her Mama
Cheeky Monkey

Bella & her Daddy playing hide and seek

Bella & Mama

 Bellabean & Daddy