Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Priceless Moment #10: Monsters under the bed...

After I put Bellabean to bed tonight, she woke up crying and the following conversation occurred:

Bella: "Mama, I'm scared."
Mama: "You're scared? Why are you scared honey?"
Bella: "Mama, I'm scared because there are monsters under the bed."
Mama: "NO! NO! There's no monsters under the bed! This room is for Mama's and Bella's only!"
Bella: "Yes, there are monsters under the bed Mama and I'm sooo scared."
Mama: "No honey, theres no monsters in here....mama has too much stuff under the bed, they dont FIT!"
Bella: "Ok Mama."
Mama: "Now Shoooo shooo away monsters. You are not allowed in this room. It's for Mama's and Bella's only."

Being a Mama never gets boring or dull. The things she says and does make me smile again and again and again. I hope she gets even half as many smiles reading this when she's all grown up, as I got from experiencing it with her. Life is so much more colorful with her.

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