Friday, October 22, 2010

Priceless Moment #8: Friendship...

It always makes me smile to see Anabella show love and assistance to a child who is smaller than her.  

"Mama, I am a BIG GIRL and she is a BABY." 

This is a photo of Anabella and one of her new little friends from the neighborhood, Sienna.  Sienna was going in the wrong direction while we were walking home from a play date and Anabella quickly turned around, walked back to get her, grabbed her hand and spoke to her in her best little baby voice and said "come on this way, I will help you" and walked her back up to where Sienna's Mama and I were waiting. 

It's NEVER too early to instill in your child the ability to recognize when somebody needs assistance, love, encouragement and support.

Anabella & Sienna proved that to me yet again today.  So proud of that girl!!!
Anabella & Sienna 

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