Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Change is on the Horizon...

"Quietly forgiving and moving on is a gift to God...and yourself."

"Change is on the Horizon"...I pretty much saw these five words and stole them off a smart mans facebook status. It's perfectly fitting for both my life at this very moment and my blog too...*bonus*

I have spent this past few months of  both newly separated life and newly back to "island life" with my beautiful baby little girl in tow. She has been a breath of fresh air and a reason to laugh and smile every single day.  I'm not sure if it's possible to be any more proud of her than I already am?  I could burst for realz. SHE is my purpose, my passion, my reason for being and my reason for making the choices I do in my life and for OUR life. 

Packing Day 1 - Front Entry way
SO, with that and as you can see from the photos,  more packing has begun for another big adventure for Bella and Mama. After more than three months on the island and countless ferry trips every four days for both myself and more importantly my beautiful Bellabean, I have decided that no two year old including Anabella deserves to be sitting on a ferry every four days in order to spend time with the other human being (who happens to be a man) who helped create her and who loves her almost as much as I do. Right now she's not effected by it, to her it's pretty much a floating park and play date with a million kids every four days but I would venture to guess that come trip # 296 she would likely become impacted and annoyed by the entire process about as much as her father and I are now.  

Packing Day 1 - Bellabean's Room

I love the island. I love my family. I love my island friends. I love my neighbor. I even like the beautiful condo we were so fortunate to find.  But I LOVE ANABELLA above all else, and I will do anything for that girl (My perfect treasure and a joy) and anything to make her day-to-day life easier and more peaceful.  We spent three months here so in the long run, I can do my job as Anabella's Mama better. I needed to be with family. Be with old friends who know me in my core.  Make new friends who appreciate me for who I am today. And to reevaluate, feel love for both my daughter and myself, and most importantly find my happiness and get back to being myself so that I can be an even better Mama to my little girl. I firmly believe that the key to a truly successful, well balanced and happy daughter is for her to see genuinely happy confident Mama.  Not a fake Happy Mama...we all know what I'm talking about...and if you're one of those Mama's do something today to change it.  

SO, I found a new condo in Port Moody. Close to her Daddy. Close to her preschool. Close to her childcare. Close to good friends. Close to the park. Close to her doctor. Close to both her and our "Old" life AND everything we need to continue to grow and build our new life with the amazing people and friends (both old and new...holla...) we have surrounding us and encouraging us and loving us and reminding us every day what truly matters in our days and in our world.

So here I go again saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you" to our amazing angel friends.  We love you for your insight, wisdom, kindness, loyalty, friendship, openness, sincerity, bluntness and love.


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