Monday, July 19, 2010

Second guessing...deja vu

It's human nature to stop, look back in hind site and second guess a choice or series of choices that get you smack dab exactly where you are standing.  Are you supposed to be standing there? Was it supposed to be like this? Is this some huge life lesson I'll sit back and reflect on one day and be able to be grateful for?  It sure doesn't feel like it while you're in it....

It's the little things that give me faith I'm making the right choices. Even when some pretty major things make it feel like it's all wrong some days....

Deja vu :  A series of deja vu's keep happening to me and yesterday when it happened again, my friend turned to me and said, "That's great! It means you're in the right place and doing what you're supposed to be doing."  Really? That's what Deja vu means? All this time in the world and I'm just learning this now? Seriously sometimes I wonder....anyways, that little tidbit of wisdom really helped me feel good and right and okay yesterday.  Weird right? No. Well SO did the sun, the laughs, the great old-new friends, the broken boats, the cute boys (maybe I mean sweet little blond boys or maybe I don't), the happy tuna roll (FYI, Modern Cafe does the best Happy Tuna Roll EVER), the skinny bitches (you know who you are...oops I mean the drink or do I?), the soap opera and the texts.

My daughters smile and unconditional love...

My friends....

Sleeping soundly at night...

The river....yes I said the river...

My sanity....

My may not be here every day, but when it is here it's REAL and genuine and large and it feels friggin' fantastic.

Yah, I'm going to appreciate every day for what it is, for who and what it brings me and for what I can learn....and I'm not going to second guess any of it.  Life is about experiences, challenges, and growth....

I'm TOOOOOTALLY growing right now.  You should see me, I think I'm like 8 feet tall now... Pfff.

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