Sunday, May 23, 2010

Care, concern and compliments....

As I mentioned in earlier blogs, I have been so blessed to be surrounded by strong, encouraging, supportive, loving people in my life now and throughout my entire life.  Below are a few examples of the kind words, encouragement and unconditional love I have received on this blogging journey. In respect of other people's rights to privacy, I have not included names. IF you are reading this and wish for your supportive words to be removed from the eyes of my blog readers...please contact me and I will remove them immediately.   And from me and my girl to all of you...Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You DO make a difference in our life. xo

  • Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong- sometimes it's letting go.” -JCL
  • Love your blogs, just read them.. stay strong :) you are an incredible woman & mother... and that's all you need to be, if you aren't accepted for whatever "faults" others see in you just remember there is someone who could see them as a positive thing, not look negatively on you for them.. find appreciation in why you have them :) -ER
  • Jess, you are amazing. Thanks for all the wonderful things that you write. You are truly an inspiration, and I love reading your blog :) -CS
  • I only know you through facebook but from what I gather you seem like one hell of a strong woman with so many friend's & family who love, cherish and adore you :-) Sometime's people do not know how strong they actually are until they are faced with something. I know that from experience. -AP
  • I just wanted to let you know that your blogs are amazing! So inspirational and empowering. The "One day" one made me cry because I could relate soo much. You definately have such a talent and as I am reading you can see how special and amazing you are as a person and as a writer. I don't even know you as a person anymore and all I can see is that you are sooo loved by your friends, your smart, talented, strong, beautiful, kind, loving mother, in the things you write.... keep on inspiring because I know many people look forward to the things you write and can relate on some many levels ♥ Don't ever change who you are because so many people love you for you. -CB
  • Hey, I try to read your blog as often I as can!!! I know we don't really know each other, but from what I do know, you are an amazing woman and mother!! Your daughter is very lucky to have you, as are your friends and family!!! Just thought you should know!!! -MGB
  • I have happened upon your blog and what you are going through via the "information highway"....Facebook is a blessing in that it aids our ability to 'reconnect' with past friends and keep in touch with the goings ons of one anothers life...and yet there is a certain 'dis-connect' to it as all this is done from a 'safe distance'...and we can never truly know what journey we are each going through unless we are brave and amongst our 'stats', we really lay our heart out there.  Jess...when I knew you in person and now through pictures...please know that you have always had and always will have a radiance that shines from your heart's core out through your eyes and your smile and your way of one can ever take that from you...and your beautiful daughter has been gifted with it too! You both 'glow'! I send you hugs, strength, and some words to just say.."you go girls!" You are loved. -JH
  • "Every woman had to have something which singles her out, which catches the eye, which makes her the center of attention." via Phillipa Gregory - MM
  • So I just wanted to tell you that I am in europe now but before I left I was able to catch a couple of your blog entries and they are fantastic! I love em, I don't have acces to computer here but I will definately follow them when I return and you have inspired me to start thinking of blogging myself! I have always always loved and been intrigued with writing since I was very small and you are right it is such a good outlet. Anyways just wanted to let you know that, always nice when someone tell you you have inspired them :) take care hope all is well! -AD
  • Also I read some of your blogs and just loved the one you wrote about the healthy eating and it inspired me to clean up my diet-- mainly just cutting out the Starbucks and fast food... and I'll let u know that I've lost over 5 lbs since! So THANKS!! -LF
  • I know we don't really know one another but from your status updates i can tell you are going through a lot and i'm sorry to hear that. You are a strong, confident, independant woman and i know you will be ok. Everything in this life happens for a reason, therefore, just look after you and that adorable daughter of yours and everything will be ok. One day at a time my dear is all you need to focus on right now. i'm sure you have a great support system that surrounds you and remember that you are loved very much and even when you feel at times that you are alone, you never are....:) -SW
  • I was just reading your blog ( Walk in my Shoes) and I do have to say hun that you have so much talent! Your are truely an amazing writer! You should write a book! Hope all is well with you and your sweet little bean!~Miss ya! -LG
  • Life throws s us so many loop holes....but I know your a strong can over come anything you just need to stay focused to what's most important to you. Remember that this is your life and you know whats best for you! Stay strong Jess, you have some much love around you! -LG
  • Be true to yourself, and dont doubt for one second that you arent skinny enough, beautiful enough, hot enough, smart enough, funny enough...because as long as you are YOU, you are all of those things...TRUST ME!!!! I think you are one of the most beautiful people I know! You are funny, savvy, trendy, have a gorgeous smile, and Bella is a lucky girl to have such a passionate momma ♥ Who doesnt settle for ANYTHING but the best ♥ So I guess the point of this msg, is just to say that we all have our ups and downs, we all feel the need to hang our heads low of fear of judgement of others...but in the end...its you inside your own head, and fuck the rest of em' ♥ Be proud and remember to smile beauty ;) and perfection will never come as long as we search for it ;) -ES
  • Well I have not seen you since highschool, it is amazing how time flies by. I just wanted to send a quick message and say thank you. Your blog is amazing, and as for me it is exactly how i feel too at this moment. Life is hrd, and i am not going to change who i am, because who i have become, is really a great, loving mother, friend, and person. can see your strength, and the wonderful strong mother you are, just by your words and smile. Jess it is amazing, how incredible your words, have lifted me this past week, to know i am nt alone is even greater. Again thank you. Incase no one has told you yet to today..Hunny you shine, and anyone would be lucky to have you..Just for being you!! -CD
  • I don't know whats going on with you and it's none of my business as we only have a ferry ride 2 years ago to share but you are a beautiful person inside and out and you have the world in the palm of your hands so it's all good! If you ever need anything just give me a shout :-) -AI
  • I love you ! I love you just the way you are ... In the moment of crazy, in the moment of hurt,in the laughing moments and in the crying times, I mean the snooooot outta the nose too .. Whatever I can do let me know but my ears are big, my shoulders strong :) Prayers for peace. -LK
  • I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a rough time right now. Sometimes I feel like I am sort of "creeping" your life. Reading your blogs, seeing your status updates, looking at how amazing you are and how beautiful your little bean is. I just want you to know that you are an inspiration to me, as a mother and a truly beautiful person. I know I haven't seen you in years and even in the past we were not that close but being a part of your life on facebook gives me a little smile everyday. I hope that things will get better for you no matter which way it all goes. Stay strong! Thanks for letting me in to your world.♥ -JA
  • Hugs. Living a similar bad dream. I like the way you write about it! -AJ
  • Just want to tell you once again how much I love you. You are a strong, beautiful, kind, loving friend and momma!! Keep your chin up babe! -CH
  • I'd like to add that you have the sexiest eyebrows on the planet! how on earth do you do that ;) in all seriousness though...thinking of you xox You have some really awesome people in your life, you are truely blessed to have such great friends who talk openly to you, and LOVE you wholeheartedly. -ES
  • Ur a wonderful person in my life and always will be... Whatever you do, just don't change who you are.....If someone's gonna love you, it's gotta be for the person you are, not who they want you to be. -PG


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