Sunday, April 25, 2010

HealthIER Recipe of the Day...

So, I'm attempting to make some lifestyle changes for not only myself but for my entire family.  Of course, with a picky toddler and a meat loving english man for a husband, this feet often comes with it's own set of problems.

Tomorrow, I start Day 1 of my "official" healthier lifestyle which I will blog more about then but today, I'm cooking a new family favorite of ours called MelancauliBaby or in english a lower fat and calorie version of a Curried Cauliflower, Sweet Potato, Rice and Swiss Cheese Soup.

Now the recipe doesn't call for meat, but I add about 3 chicken breasts baked with garlic and chopped up and a cup of chopped celery as well!  Add to that some sort of bread for dipping and you've got a meal I swear any human being will love, EVEN MY HUSBAND.

Gotta go eat!

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