Monday, April 26, 2010

The first day of the rest of my life....

So, here it is,
the first day of the rest of my life...the BIG day....and I started it by waking up in a sweat and exhausted as usual, even after a full nights sleep thanks to my BIG girl!  It's a pretty simple reason why I'm inclined to make some changes, despite the obvious health benefits, I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of "wondering" what a different life would be like. I am going to get off my butt and make it happen...or go down in public blog flames trying.

I have a pretty basic list of things I'm going to do to start, although once these are a bit more of an easy part of my daily routine, I hope to try to do a more
dedicated approach.  That being said, let's just get through the initial EASY changes first...ha, easy? Define easy. Easy for who? Think positive. Think positive Jessy. Ok, easy for me? Maybe? I hope? I know it will be torture on my daughter as she has become a picky two year old girl who only wants to eat cereal, bread, bagels, noodles, grilled cheese, tamari almonds, strawberries, blueberries, carrots and dip and "snacks" which would include anything that's made of bread or carbs OR is processed with any type of sugar. Getting her to consume vegetables, other fruit, and meat are a daily struggle in our household.  

No more candy: I've already survived one whole week of this one, which anyone who knows me would say is nothing short of a living miracle!

Drink more water: A LOT more water.  Water bottle bought and filled! Go me!

Getting back to the basics and using more WHOLE foods:  I plan to follow in a friend of mine, Hilary's,  footsteps and follow her  foodlosophy the best I can.  I think I can easily do this with the help of her back to basics shopping list, her tried and tested recipes and her "proof is in the puddin'" meal suggestions!  Let it be known, I am being realistic and using this list as a guideline aka AVOIDING pre-packaged and processed foods as much as humanly possible since I have pretty much existed on them up until this very moment! Oh lord, this is going to be harder than I think...I think?!

20-30 minutes of exercise ONLY 5 days a week as per this tipI have always loved walking & cardio despite the fact that I haven't done much of it since the birth of our daughter! I'm hopeful this part will be easier for me because I have a treadmill in my house, I've been taking a small group training class on Sundays, and I go to the gym with a friend every Friday morning where our kids go to an awesome childcare facility in the building! Ok, now that I think about it...maybe 5 days a week is more realistic.

Yoga twice a week: Now this part should be easy thanks to my awesome husband because after hearing over and over again how tired and crappy I feel over the past couple of weeks, my husband got in his truck and drove to lululemon and bought me a yummy pink yoga mat and matching bag and THEN he drove to the yoga studio near our house and registered me for three months! And then he came home, gave it to me, and told me he'd be babysitting Anabella two lunch times a week while I go to Yoga. Now that is SUPPORT!  

*Note to self:  "I have the greatest husband EVER...this month."

No more ALL OR NOTHING plans: Due to my history of a super long battle with an eating disorder which left me hospitalized on more than one occasion and then finally on deaths door and hospitalized for 2-3 months in a treatment facility in Ontario, where my first day of recovery began. I find this part challenging. I have a "go hard, or go home" attitude when it comes to weight loss, fitness, and diets. One thing I've learned on that particular journey in my life is that a "slip up" isn't the end of the world.  A "bad day" is just one day, there's always tomorrow. Just because you make a mistake or slip off your path, it's not a reason to quit or give up.  Fight! Fight! Fight!

Try to remember what it's like to love and enjoy food as much as my two year old and my super "susie-homemaker-chefanista bff" do. 

Blueberries and licking the bowl....does it get any better  than that???

So that's the basics of what I'm attempting. I'm not trying to become Vegan based on the shopping list and links I'm following,  and I guarantee I will still eat cheese and A LOT of meat along the way because the reality is I like it...I spent my entire life NOT eating it and I'm finally at a point that I like it and ENJOY it, so I won't be sacrificing those things, I'll just be making smarter choices....


plate+simple said...

Jessy, I love this. Good for you for starting this blog and even bigger kudos for your honesty while you commence this beautiful journey towards taking charge of your health.

I have no doubt you will inspire countless others on your way.

I heard this great quote the other day: "The idea of 'all or nothing' just allows us to do nothing." I couldn't agree more. Isn't it freeing to realize that a struggle like that gets us nowhere? The goal is consistency, not perfection.

GO GIRL. I am so proud of you!

Much love,

Shanda said...

Hil, I LOVE that quote. Is it now up on my fb! Thank you!! And thank you Jessy for this blog and the links. We look at things like exercise and eating healthy as a bad horrible time consuming thing. But its not. 10 minutes a day and not a second more for exercise is a great goal to begin with!! Food might take some more time but keep those suggestions coming!

michelle said...

Love your new blog Jessy ;) - good luck with the new direction & plans. Big changes indeed! Good luck & hope it goes well! --Michelle (Aedan's mom)